Getting Ready for Spring

Spring is only a short time away as people will be getting outside to rid themselves of the dreaded cabin fever. Yet before you set out on spring vacations and mini weekend trips, be sure your home is ready and in tiptop shape. Here are some projects to always consider when the weather warms up so you have […]

Spring – Cleaning – Refrigerator Exterior

Benefits Summary: Increase your refrigerator’s efficiency. Save energy. Protect your family from germs and mold. Now that you’ve got the inside of the refrigerator all clean, don’t forget the outside. Cleaning the exterior of your refrigerator requires few special tools and little know-how, so set aside an hour or two and you’ll have it done […]

Spring – Spring Clean Your Freezer—Defrost it!

Benefits Summary: Help your freezer run more efficiently. Lower your electric bill. When ice has built up to ¼ of an inch, it’s time to defrost. Defrosting the freezer is not a difficult task, but be sure to set aside several hours to accomplish it completely. It’s best to defrost a freezer that is empty […]

Early Spring – Extend the Life of Your Water Heater with Simple Maintenance

Benefits Summary: Extend the life of your water heater. Reduce energy costs. A little effort goes a long way toward extending the life of your water heater and unlike some home projects, these checks can be performed with nothing more than a bucket and a flathead screwdriver! TEST THE TPR (Temperature Pressure Release) VALVE: Shut […]

Spring – April Yard Clean Up

This week it is time to take care of a few yard maintenance activities. The mild spring has led to the grass growing a little earlier than normal. Place compost or well decomposed manure around perennial vegetables, such as asparagus and rhubarb. Cut back ornamental grasses to a few inches above the ground in early […]

Spring Time Yard Cleanup

The yard is in bloom, yet there is still so much to do to get it looking great throughout spring and into summer. Get outside and start spring cleaning the yard, as you’ll be happier that the task is completed now versus waiting until the last minute when the chores build up. If you tackle a […]

Spring – Best Way to Clean Out and Fertilize Flower Gardens and Beds

Spring is here and it is time to get in some gardening work, yet you haven’t touched your old flower beds in years. A mixture of old bulb flowers and weeds have been allowed to grow any old way they choose. Start with a fresh slate! Here are the best ways to clean out the old flower […]

Spring – Spring has Sprung, it’s Time to Examine the Sprinkler System

Benefits Summary: Efficient sprinkler systems save money by using less water. A lawn of lush green grass. Central Oregon normally has a cool and wet spring and watering isn’t usually needed until late Spring (late May – early June), however, every year can be different.  As temperatures warm up and plants wake for new growth, […]

Spring – Maintain Your Air Conditioner

Here in Central Oregon, the warm days of summer are still a few months away, but if you have an Air Conditioner, now is the time to think about maintenance.  If you maintain your Air Conditioner yourself, follow the tips below.  If you use a professional, don’t wait until you need your AC in June […]

Spring – It’s Time to Feed Your Lawn

Benefits Summary: A lawn that is provided adequate, balanced nutrition in the spring will be healthy and green into the summer. Nature provides some essential elements for plant nutrition. You’ve spent hundreds of dollars creating beautiful landscaping around your home including a lawn. During the spring in Central Oregon, grass plants are waking up from […]

Spring – It’s Time to Dethatch, Aerate or Both!

Benefits Summary: Grass plants require adequate irrigation to be healthy. Aeration and dethatching your lawn will enhance irrigation water infiltration. You’ve spent hundreds of dollars creating beautiful landscaping around your home including a lawn. Over time, your lawn produces thatch. Thatch is a tightly interwoven layer of living and dead tissue existing between the green […]

Late Spring – Deck Maintenance

Wood decks here in Central Oregon take a beating year round. During the winter, your deck is exposed to repeated cycles of snow and ice that melts and then freezes again.  During the summer, your deck bakes in the warm dry climate and year round our beloved dogs can leave scratch marks on wood decks. […]

Late Spring – Schedule Window Cleaning

Benefits Summary: Keep windows crystal clear. Avoid the build up of hard minerals and oxidization. In Central Oregon, many of us pay a premium for a home with a view and then allow dust, pollen and dirt to build up and obscure the landscape!  Regular window cleaning is the key to a clear view of […]

Late Spring – Mowing Tips

Benefits Summary: A lawn that is mowed on a regular interval will: Be more dense and healthy. Be more drought resistant. A lawn that is mowed at the appropriate height will: Be healthy. Be better able to resist stresses. You’ve spent hundreds of dollars creating beautiful landscaping around your home including a lawn. During the […]