Summer – How to Keep a Lawn Green in a Drought

We all want a perfectly lush and beautiful green lawn. However, in areas experiencing drought, this ideal can be difficult to achieve. However, it is not entirely impossible. With a little bit of close attention and flexibility in lawn aesthetics, maintaining a lawn during drought is doable.

Consider a Clover Lawn

If you’ve ever seen a clover patch in a lawn during the summer you may have noticed it was green while the rest of the lawn was brown. This is because clovers grow deeper roots than most grasses and therefore need less water to stay green. Clovers spread throughout a lawn can make it appear greener year around and during a drought. Additionally, clovers resist pet urine, grow in bad soil and self-fertilizes!

Make the Change to a Drought Tolerant Landscape

While having a green lawn is nice, considering a switch to a drought tolerant landscape may be more practical. This transition includes replacing grass with various low-water-need, shrubs and plants that require little to no maintenance. You will no longer need to cut and water the lawn every other day. Try planting a natural meadow that uses short grasses and flowers. These require significantly less water than conventional lawns and do not require mowing.  They also provide your lawn with unique textures and colors. This transition will be eco friendly and aesthetically pleasing!

Reduce Fertilizer Maintenance

In dry conditions, many fertilizer salts actually dehydrate plant roots. Additionally, the extra stimulus it puts on growth requires more water. Cut back on the fertilizers you are using on your lawn and optimize water usage.

Water Wisely

Watering wisely can simply mean being mindful about when you water. Watering earlier in the morning when temperatures are still cool and the sun is low can help to significantly reduce moisture loss due to evaporation. Drip irrigation and soaker hose systems are best for saving water as opposed to hand watering and overhead sprinkler systems, which can lead to a lot of runoff and moisture evaporation.

Take Advantage of ‘Gray Water’

It may seem tedious and extreme, but in severe droughts saving lightly used household water such as: collecting the water you run while waiting for the shower to warm, excess water from the dishwater, or running a drain hose from your washing machine to the lawn and trees outside your house. These can be mindful ways to re-purpose water that is otherwise going to waste. Also, collecting rain water if available is an additional practical and natural way to make water last.

Any of our landscapers in Bend, Redmond, or Sunriver can help you keep your lawn green during those summer droughts as well as provide some great money saving tips on watering.