Summer: Should I Fertilize the Yard?

Warm Season Grasses

Warm season grasses love the summer heat. They grow more during the summer and then go dormant when the cooler weather of fall and winter arrive. These warm season grassesĀ like Bermuda Grass or Buffalo Grass can be fertilized in the early summer so they can become lush and green. You can also fertilize them late in the summer or the early fall.

Cold Season Grasses

Cold season grasses are the opposite of warm season grasses. They grow more vigorously during the fall and winter as they lie dormant in the summer. Kentucky Blue Grass and Perennial Rye Grass are two of the cold season grasses. You can fertilize these types of lawns in the early summer. They don’t normally need to be fertilized again unless it looks like they require another feeding.

Only Fertilize One-Two Times a Year

When you fertilize once or twice a year, your yard will remain beautiful all year round. You can select a slow release fertilizer for lasting effects that will go on for several weeks and months. Once the fertilizer is applied, stick to a regular watering schedule of twice a week.

If you are unsure of what types of grass you have for your lawn, hiring a landscaper is the best way to determine the grass type, the right time of year to fertilize the yard, the amount of fertilizer you need and the right type of fertilizer to buy. The lawn professional can also perform soil tests to see if your lawn is lacking any important nutrients or has a high pH level.

Once you understand what your particular lawn needs, you can ensure it gets the water and fertilizer that will make it grow lush and green.