- Company Info
- McMurray and Sons, INC.
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- Business Description
Started in 1919 in Des Moines, Iowa, McMurray and Sons has been providing quality materials and workmanship in the roofing industry for over 88 years. Thomas J. McMurray Sr. understood that his success was dependent on these basic tenets, and as an independent contractor working primarily by himself, he was soon established as the premier applicator in the greater Des Moines area. In 1948, he moved his family to Eureka and continued in the roofing business. As his reputation spread, Mr McMurray began training his family to carry on the tradition he had established for decades. The first to join in the business was his daughter and son-in law, Bob and Darlene Allwine; with his sons Don, Tom, and Dave soon following. Incorporated in 1964, McMurray and Sons, Inc. became a major employer in the Eureka area, and expanded the operation to include Crescent City. In 1991, another branch was started in Bend, Oregon, then Brookings and Grants Pass.
David W. McMurray carries on the family tradition as President and owner of the corporation. Having grown up in the business, with a father and boss that understood the value of hard work and quality workmanship, the goals are the same as in 1919. And that is to provide the very best to potential customers, including materials, service, workmanship, and guarantees. Today, he is joined by his son, David W. McMurray II (Branch Manager - Rogue River Valley) and his grandson, David W McMurray III - making the fourth generation at McMurray and Sons, Inc.This is made possible by a team of competent managers and superintendents, as well as applicators that have been with the company for years: Steve Claasen, superintendent since 1978; Troy Stone, manager since 1987; Troy Bean, manager since 1993, Sachio Tanuma, superintendent, since 1992. Without exception, each one were trained to learn the business from the bottom up, just as all the McMurrays were trained. And it hasn't stopped. The value of our company is in it's people, and they are the best.Initially concentrating on residential roofing, McMurray and Sons began installing commercial/industrial roofing in the early 60's and now offer services to handle any size project as well as insulation in the Rogue River Valley. A few of the complete projects include the Carson Mansion, the Eureka Inn, the Bayshore Mall, and the Pelican Bay Prison. A sampling of our work can be seen by referring to the Branch Pages:
- Community Involvement
- Company Type & Licensing
- In business since: 1919
Business Type: S-Corp
License Type: CCB
License #: 75780
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